Shear-Wave-Splitting-in-Anisotropic-Media Collection
Theory and Modeling
Kruse, J.P., Rümpker, G., Link, F., Duretz, T., Schmeling, H., 2024. Anisotropy and XKS-splitting from geodynamic models of double subduction: Testing the limits of interpretation, Geophysical Journal International, ggae328,
Chakraborty, M., Rümpker, G., Li, W., Faber, J., Link, F., Srivastava, N., 2024. Feasibility of Deep Learning in Shear Wave Splitting Analysis using Synthetic-Data Training and Waveform Deconvolution, Seismica, 3 (1),
Rümpker, G., Kaviani, A., Link, F., Reiss, M. C., Komeazi, A., 2023. Testing observables for teleseismic shear-wave splitting inversions: ambiguities of intensities, parameters, and waveforms, Annals of Geophysics, 66,
Rümpker, G. & Kendall, J.-M., 2002. A Maslov-propagator seismogram for weakly anisotropic media, Geophysical Journal International, 150, 23–36,
Rümpker, G. & Ryberg T., 2000. New “Fresnel-zone” estimates for shear-wave splitting observations from finite-difference modeling, Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 2005–2008,
Rümpker, G. & Silver, P.G., 2000. Calculating splitting parameters for plume-type anisotropic structures of the upper mantle, Geophysical Journal International, 143, 507–520,
Rümpker, G., Tommasi, A. and J.-M. Kendall, 1999. Numerical simulations of depth-dependent anisotropy and frequency-dependent wave propagation effects, J. Geophys. Res., 104(B10), 23141–23153,
Rümpker, G. & Silver, P.G., 1998. Apparent shear-wave splitting parameters in the presence of vertically varying anisotropy, Geophysical Journal International, 135 (3), 790–800,
Rümpker, G., Brown, R.J., and Thomson C.J., 1996. Shear-wave propagation in orthorhombic Phenolic: A comparison of numerical and physical modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 27765–27777,
Rümpker, G., and Thomson, C.J., 1994. Seismic-waveform effects of conical points in gradually varying anisotropic media, Geophys. J. Int., 118 (3), 759–780,
Receiver functions / Crustal anisotropy
Link, F., Rümpker, G., & Kaviani, K., 2020. Simultaneous inversion for crustal thickness and anisotropy by multiphase splitting analysis of receiver functions, Geophysical Journal International, 223 (3), 2009–2026,
Latifi, K., Kaviani, A., Rümpker, G., Mahmoodabadi, M., Ghassemi, M. R., & Sadidkhouy, A., 2018. The effect of crustal anisotropy on SKS splitting analysis—synthetic models and real-data observations, Geophysical Journal International, 213 (2), 1426-1447,
Kaviani, A., and Rümpker, G., 2015. Generalization of the H-κ stacking method to anisotropic media, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 5135–5153,
Rümpker, G., Kaviani, A., & Latifi, K., 2014. Ps-splitting analysis for multilayered anisotropic media by azimuthal stacking and layer stripping, Geophysical Journal International, 199(1), 146–163,
Software / Code Description
Link, F., Reiss, M.C., Rümpker, G., 2021. An automatized XKS-splitting procedure for large data sets: Extension package for SplitRacer and application to the USArray, Computers & Geosciences,
Reiss M.C., Rümpker, G., 2017. SplitRacer: MATLAB Code and GUI for Semiautomated Analysis and Interpretation of Teleseismic Shear‐Wave Splitting, Seismological Research Letters 2017, 88 (2A), 392–409,
Source effects
Rössler, D., Krüger, F., Psencik, I. & Rümpker, G., 2008. Comments to "Retrieval of source parameters of an event of the 2000 West Bohemia earthquake swarm assuming an anisotropic crust. Stud. Geophys. Geod. 52, 285–286,
Rössler, D., Krüger, F., Pšenčík, I. & Rümpker, G., 2007. Retrieval of source parameters of an event of the 2000 West Bohemia earthquake swarm assuming an anisotropic crust, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 51, 231–254,
Rößler, D., Krüger, F. & Rümpker, G., 2007. Retrieval of moment tensors due to dislocation point sources in anisotropic media using standard techniques, Geophysical Journal International, 169 (1),136–148,
Rößler, D., Rümpker, G., Krüger, F., 2004. Ambiguous Moment Tensors and Radiation Patterns in Anisotropic Media with Applications to the Modeling of Earthquake Mechanisms in W-Bohemia, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 48, 1, 233-250,
Komeazi, A., Kaviani, A., Rümpker, G., 2023. Mantle anisotropy in NW Namibia from XKS splitting: Effects of asthenospheric flow, lithospheric structures, and magmatic underplating, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL102119,
Reiss, M.C. , Rümpker, G., Tilmann, F., Yuan, X., Giese, J., Rindraharisaona, E.J., 2016. Seismic anisotropy of the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath southern Madagascar from teleseismic shear wave splitting analysis and waveform modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121 (9), 6627-6643,
Homuth, B., Löbl, U., Batte, A.G., Link, K., Kasereka, C.M. & Rümpker, G., 2016. Seismic anisotropy of the lithosphere/asthenosphere system beneath the Rwenzori region of the Albertine Rift. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol. Rundsch.) 105, 1681–1692 (2016),
Batte, A.G., Rümpker, G., Lindenfeld, M., Schumann, A., 2014. Structurally controlled seismic anisotropy above small earthquakes in crustal rocks beneath the Rwenzori region, Albertine Rift, Uganda, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 100, 579-585,
Hammond, J. O. S., Kendall, J.-M., Rümpker, G., Wookey, J., Teanby, N., Joseph, P., Ryberg, T., and Stuart, G., 2005. Upper mantle anisotropy beneath the Seychelles microcontinent, J. Geophys. Res., 110, B11401,
Kaviani, A., Rümpker, G., Sens-Schönfelder, Ch., Komeazi, A., Shapiro, N., 2024. Toroidal mantle flow beneath the NE termination of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone from seismic anisotropy, Geophysical Journal International, 237 (1), 364–377,
Link, F., & Rümpker, G., 2023. Shear-wave splitting reveals layered-anisotropy beneath the European Alps in response to Mediterranean subduction, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2023JB027192,
Link, F. and Rümpker, G., 2021. Resolving seismic anisotropy in the lithosphere-asthenosphere in the Central/Eastern Alps beneath the dense SWATH-D network, Front. Earth Sci.,
Walther, W., Plenefisch, T., Rümpker, G., 2014. Automated analysis of SKS splitting to infer upper mantle anisotropy beneath Germany using more than 20 yr of GRSN and GRF data, Geophysical Journal International, 196 (2), 1207–1236,
Bjarnason, I. T., Silver, P. G., Rümpker, G., and Solomon, S. C., 2002. Shear wave splitting across the Iceland hot spot: Results from the ICEMELT experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 107(B12), 2382,
Middle East
Komeazi, A., Kaviani, A., Rümpker, G., Weidle, C., Meier, T., 2024. Discriminating lithospheric and asthenospheric anisotropy beneath Northern Oman: sharp contrast observed at the Semail Gap Fault Zone, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028627,
Kaviani, A., Mahmoodabadi, M., Rümpker, G., Pilia, S., Tatar, M., Nilfouroushan, F., Yamini-Fard, F., Moradi, A., Ali, M. Y., 2021. Mantle-flow diversion beneath the Iranian plateau induced by Zagros’ lithospheric keel, Scientific Reports, 11, 2848,
Kaviani, A., Hofstetter, R., Rümpker, G., Weber, M., 2013. Investigation of seismic anisotropy beneath the Dead Sea fault using dense networks of broadband stations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 7, 3476-3491,
Kaviani, A., Rümpker, G., Weber, M., Asch, G., 2011. Short-scale variations of shear-wave splitting across the Dead Sea basin: Evidence for the offects of sedimentary fill, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L04308,
Ryberg, T., Rümpker, G., Haberland, C., Stromeyer, D., Weber, M., 2005. Simultaneous inversion of shear wave splitting observations from seismic arrays, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110 ,B03301,
Rümpker, G., Ryberg, T., Bock, G., Desert Seismology Group, 2003. Boundary-layer mantle flow under the Dead Sea transform fault inferred from seismic anisotropy, Nature, 425, 6957, 497-501,
South America
Reiss, M.C., Rümpker, G., Wölbern, I., 2018. Large-scale trench-normal mantle flow beneath central South America, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 482, 115-125,
Wölbern, I., Löbl, U., Rümpker, G., 2014. Crustal origin of trench-parallel shear wave fast polarizations in the Central Andes, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 392, 230-238,
Deep Mantle
Wookey, J., Kendall, J.-M., Rümpker, G., 2005. Lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the north Pacific from differential S—ScS splitting, Geophysical Journal International 161, 829-838,
Surface-wave studies
Rindraharisaona, E. J., Tilmann, F., Yuan, X., Dreiling, J., Giese, J., Priestley, K., & Rümpker, G. (2021). Velocity structure and radial anisotropy of the lithosphere in southern Madagascar from surface wave dispersion. Geophysical Journal International, 224(3), 1930–1944.
Dreiling, J., Tilmann, F., Yuan, X., Giese, J., Rindraharisaona, E. J., Rümpker, G., & Wysession, M. E. (2018). Crustal radial anisotropy and linkage to geodynamic processes: A study based on seismic ambient noise in southern Madagascar. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 5130–5146.